Person listing

The details of registered people may also be downloaded in UTF-8 CSV format.

Albania (ALB)

Given NameFamily NameRole

Algeria (ALG)

Given NameFamily NameRole

Armenia (ARM)

Given NameFamily NameRole

Australia (AUS)

Given NameFamily NameRole
LauraNanContestant 1
ZihuiZhangContestant 2
OliviaSunContestant 3
MelHuggObserver with Contestants
ElizabethYevdokimovObserver with Deputy

Azerbaijan (AZE)

Given NameFamily NameRole

Belgium (BEL)

Given NameFamily NameRole

Bangladesh (BGD)

Given NameFamily NameRole
Saniva RakibSohaContestant 1
SaajiSehnaiContestant 2
Taslima TasnimLamiaContestant 3
Nahian ParinIfaContestant 4
Sadia HamidKaziDeputy Leader
Atonu RoyChowdhuryLeader

Bulgaria (BGR)

Given NameFamily NameRole

Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH)

Given NameFamily NameRole

Brazil (BRA)

Given NameFamily NameRole

Canada (CAN)

Given NameFamily NameRole

People's Republic of China (CHN)

Given NameFamily NameRole

Colombia (COL)

Given NameFamily NameRole

Cyprus (CYP)

Given NameFamily NameRole

Czech Republic (CZE)

Given NameFamily NameRole

Denmark (DEN)

Given NameFamily NameRole

Ecuador (ECU)

Given NameFamily NameRole

Spain (ESP)

Given NameFamily NameRole
MaríaPe PereiraDeputy Leader
ElisaLorenzo GarcíaLeader

Estonia (EST)

Given NameFamily NameRole
PaulaRussakContestant 2

Finland (FIN)

Given NameFamily NameRole

France (FRA)

Given NameFamily NameRole

Georgia (GEO)

Given NameFamily NameRole
BarbareKuchavaContestant 1
AnastasiaGvasaliaContestant 2
GvantsaKhvedelidzeContestant 3
SalomeMurdalashviliContestant 4
NinoChkhaidzeDeputy Leader

Germany (GER)

Given NameFamily NameRole
TinaDingContestant 1
IlsaFreysoldtContestant 2
VianneHeinzContestant 3
DianaReznychenkoContestant 4
KerrinBielserDeputy Leader

Greece (HEL)

Given NameFamily NameRole

Croatia (HRV)

Given NameFamily NameRole

Hungary (HUN)

Given NameFamily NameRole

India (IND)

Given NameFamily NameRole
SanjanaChackoContestant 1
Shreya ShantanuMundhadaContestant 2
SaeePatilContestant 3
ShreyaGupta RayContestant 4
AditiMuthkhodDeputy Leader
AnanyaRanadeObserver with Contestants

Ireland (IRL)

Given NameFamily NameRole

Israel (ISR)

Given NameFamily NameRole

Italy (ITA)

Given NameFamily NameRole

Japan (JPN)

Given NameFamily NameRole
RinaHatachiContestant 1
HarukaKimuraContestant 2
AyuneMasutaniContestant 3
TongGu.Contestant 4
KeikoTasakiDeputy Leader
YoshiakiMaedaObserver with Deputy
YujiKitayamaObserver with Leader
TomokiYoshidaObserver with Leader

Kazakhstan (KAZ)

Given NameFamily NameRole

Kyrgyzstan (KGZ)

Given NameFamily NameRole

Kosovo (KSV)

Given NameFamily NameRole

Kosovo B (KSVB)

Given NameFamily NameRole

Sri Lanka (LKA)

Given NameFamily NameRole

Lithuania (LTU)

Given NameFamily NameRole

Luxembourg (LUX)

Given NameFamily NameRole
VidaSušeljContestant 2
LouiseBernierDeputy Leader

Latvia (LVA)

Given NameFamily NameRole

Morocco (MAR)

Given NameFamily NameRole

Republic of Moldova (MDA)

Given NameFamily NameRole

Mexico (MEX)

Given NameFamily NameRole

North Macedonia (MKD)

Given NameFamily NameRole
AntonelaVladevaContestant 1
IlinaArsovskaContestant 2
MihaelaSmilevskaContestant 3
MishaVeselinskiContestant 4
HristinaMitreskaDeputy Leader

Mongolia (MNG)

Given NameFamily NameRole
BolorNaranbaatarContestant 1
MisheelAnkhbayarContestant 2
OyunbiligBandiContestant 3
AnuAltangerelContestant 4
TsogzolmaaSaizmaaDeputy Leader
OtgonbayarUuyeObserver with Leader

Netherlands (NLD)

Given NameFamily NameRole
JohanKonterDeputy Leader

Norway (NOR)

Given NameFamily NameRole
Victoria LundSøraasContestant 1
Lovise FossLinnestadContestant 2
Renate LorenaMidtgårdContestant 3
MaryamModupeola Omobolanle IdowuContestant 4
AstridMysterudDeputy Leader
Camilla LundSøraasObserver with Contestants

New Zealand (NZL)

Given NameFamily NameRole
QiaojiaChenContestant 1
RuishanChenContestant 2
YixuanNingContestant 3
SophieXuContestant 4
BrenaMerzDeputy Leader

Peru (PER)

Given NameFamily NameRole

Poland (POL)

Given NameFamily NameRole
MagdalenaPudełkoContestant 1
AleksandraŻyniewiczContestant 2
WiktoriaBazanContestant 3
JustynaJaworskaDeputy Leader

Romania (ROU)

Given NameFamily NameRole

South Africa (SAF)

Given NameFamily NameRole

Saudi Arabia (SAU)

Given NameFamily NameRole

El Salvador (SLV)

Given NameFamily NameRole

Switzerland (SUI)

Given NameFamily NameRole
EvelynEbneterContestant 1
MyriamFaltinContestant 2
HongjiaMengContestant 3
SvenjaFelberContestant 4
AishaAzhgaliyevaDeputy Leader

Slovakia (SVK)

Given NameFamily NameRole
TimeaSzöllösováDeputy Leader

Slovenia (SVN)

Given NameFamily NameRole

Tunisia (TUN)

Given NameFamily NameRole
EyaMghaiethContestant 1
NouhaJemelContestant 2
ChaymaBen ChaabaneContestant 3
EmnaHamdiContestant 4

Türkiye (TUR)

Given NameFamily NameRole

Taiwan (TWN)

Given NameFamily NameRole

Ukraine (UKR)

Given NameFamily NameRole
MilaniaAkchurinaContestant 1
DariiaBalanContestant 2
DariaPerekopskaContestant 3
KaterynaSydorenkoContestant 4
ZarinaKodyrovaDeputy Leader
YuliiaTykhonravovaObserver with Deputy
BogdanRublovObserver with Leader

United Kingdom (UNK)

Given NameFamily NameRole
AanyaGoyalContestant 1
JuliaStrekopytovContestant 2
NanakoUedaContestant 3
AureliaWalkerContestant 4
EmilyBeattyDeputy Leader
AvaYeoObserver with Contestants

United States of America (USA)

Given NameFamily NameRole

Uzbekistan (UZB)

Given NameFamily NameRole

EGMO 2025 Staff (ZZA)

Given NameFamily NameRole
CeliaRubio MadrigalIT

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